Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Mordheim Warband Pictures
I uploaded some pics of some of my Mordheim warbands to the photos page for those who might be interested in checking them out.
My Mordheim Board
It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but this iteration of Mordheim, City of the Damned works for me. I do think I might have the best Buffet of the Damned though, hands down!
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Count Chetcula's Buffet of the Damned |
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Mordheim, City of the Damned |
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A good view of my bridge, the first scenery piece I ever made. |
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It's cheap and not too pretty, but black painted bluefoam is great for adding instant elevation. |
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A good view of the graveyard and one of my scratch built towers. |
Mordheim Scenario - The Treasure of Volker Von Karl
For my Mordheim party this past weekend I wrote up a special multiplayer scenerio, "The Treasure of Volker Von Karl." It played pretty well, and I am posting it fist to help the following battle report make more sense.
The Treasure of Volker Von Karl
Volker Von Karl was a councilor and confidant of the infamous Count von Steinhardt, and if rumor is to be believed, even more corrupt and immoral then the Count himself. Von Karl was also quite the materialist and used his position to amass numerous treasures and valuable goods. Already a somewhat paranoid fellow before the comet laid waste to Mordheim, he became a full on madman afterwards.
Before he was chopped to pieces and burned alive at the same time by a zealous Witch Hunter warband for suspected heresies, Von Karl shouted to his captors that death could not hold him, and woe betide those who would attempt to profit from his demise. Of course no sooner had his ashes cooled then the many treasure hunters in Mordheim set about hunting for his ill gotten gains. Von Karls charred remains mysteriously disappeared soon after, leading many to believe that the key to his treasure lay with his blackened bones.
The board will be set up as normal with the following exceptions. Five numbered markers will be distributed around the board by the players in clockwise order no closer then 10" from the from the table edge and 6" from each other. These counters represent the dismembered remains of Von Karl.
Set Up
Standard multiplayer setup applies.
Special Rules
--Before the game the players or GM will determine the location of the three treasures of Volker Von Karl and write them down on a piece of paper for all to know. For example: "Treasure #1 is at the Cross Gravestone near the Tower with the bloody door." (ed. note - I thought about making this secret and hidden, but figured it would become obvious soon enough where they were, and they have to be randomly rolled to be accessed anyways so camping on the spots won't do much good for the players)
--Each Counter represents a piece of Von Karl; the torso w/ head, two arms, and and two legs. When a model comes into base contact with a counter they consult the following table.
#1) Head & Torso - a piece of map is stuffed in Von Karls mouth
#2) Arm - a piece of map is clutched in the fist
#3) Arm - a piece of map is clutched in the fist
#4) Leg - a piece of map is stuffed in the boot
#5) Leg - a piece of map is stuffed in the boot
Each time a player obtains a piece of the map, they consult the following table
1 piece of map - Treasure location discovered on a d6 roll of 6
2 pieces of map - Treasure found on a 5+
3 pieces of map - Treasure found on a 4+
4 pieces of map - Treasure found on a 3+
5 pieces of map - Map is complete, the treasure found automatically!
To determine which treasure location you need to go to, the player rolls a d6
Roll of 1-2 = Treasure location #1
Roll of 3-4 = Treasure location #2
Roll of 5-6 = Treasure location #3
When a model finally makes it to one of the treasure locations he can pick up the chest and take it off the board or leave it for others to pick up and carry. A single model moving the chest cannot run and only moves at 1/2 of the models movement characteristic. Two models carrying the chest cannot run but can move the full movement characteristic for the slowest model. Models that successfully carry off the treasure can come back for more on their following turn if so desired.
Extra Special Rules
Unfortunately for the players Von Karl wasn't kidding and he really won't stay dead. His ghosts will hound whoever takes his treasure until either he is driven off or the treasure is taken off the board edge, at which point he will disappear in a cloud of smoke screaming madly and cursing your name. To see which horrible manifestation that the treasure finding model unleashes, roll a d6. Each manifestation can only appear once, so reroll as needed.
1-2 - Von Karl the Creepy Councilor (Von Karl before the comet, able thief and sneaky bastard)
3-4 - Flaming Mad Von Karl (Von Karl as he was being hacked and burned, mad as hell)
5-6 - Crispy Dismembered Von Karl (What more needs to be said?)
Each Manifestation has it's own separate profile, see the addendum at the end of the article for the full profiles. Each Von Karl will always pursue until he is defeated or the treasure he was guarding is off the board. His turn happens immediately after the treasure finding players turn, and he is to be controlled by any other player on the board, but must charge the closest enemy model of the warband with his treasure if at all possible.
Starting the Game
Standard multiplayer rules apply.
Ending the Game
The Game ends when all the treasure is off the board or all warbands have routed, whichever comes first.
+1 Survives the battle
+1 Winning leader (Any warband which carries off a treasure is considered a victor)
+1 per enemy out of action
+2 for finding the treasure chest (per chest)
+2 for defeating Von Karl (per Von Karl)
The Treasure (Roll on a d6)
Automatic - 4d6 gc
Magical Artefact - 6+
Holy Tome - 5+
D3 Gems worth 10 gc each - 5+
Tome of Magic - 5+
D3 doses of Dark Venom - 4+
Mordheim Map - 4+
The Von Karls
Von Karl the Creepy Councilor
4 5 4 4 4 3 6 4 8
Equipment: Sword & dagger, dark venom
Skills: All speed skills
Special Rules: 5+ ward save
Flaming Mad Von Karl
4 3 4 4 4 2 5 3 8
Equipment: Sword and dagger
Special Rules: 5+ ward save
--Wizard - Autocasts Fires of U'Zhul 2x per turn
--Hot to touch: Any model in base contact is hit with a S3 flaming attack on a 4+
Crispy Dismembered Von Karl
4 4 0 4 4 5* 4 5* 8
Equipment: None
Skills: Reslient
Special Rules: 5+ ward save
*--Hard to kill: Each wound represents a single model, a head, 2 arms, and 2 legs. Each model attacks w/ 1 attack and has 1 wound. So the model that gets this manifestion would unleash five models at once, all of which would charge simultaneously.
The Treasure of Volker Von Karl
Volker Von Karl was a councilor and confidant of the infamous Count von Steinhardt, and if rumor is to be believed, even more corrupt and immoral then the Count himself. Von Karl was also quite the materialist and used his position to amass numerous treasures and valuable goods. Already a somewhat paranoid fellow before the comet laid waste to Mordheim, he became a full on madman afterwards.
Before he was chopped to pieces and burned alive at the same time by a zealous Witch Hunter warband for suspected heresies, Von Karl shouted to his captors that death could not hold him, and woe betide those who would attempt to profit from his demise. Of course no sooner had his ashes cooled then the many treasure hunters in Mordheim set about hunting for his ill gotten gains. Von Karls charred remains mysteriously disappeared soon after, leading many to believe that the key to his treasure lay with his blackened bones.
The board will be set up as normal with the following exceptions. Five numbered markers will be distributed around the board by the players in clockwise order no closer then 10" from the from the table edge and 6" from each other. These counters represent the dismembered remains of Von Karl.
Set Up
Standard multiplayer setup applies.
Special Rules
--Before the game the players or GM will determine the location of the three treasures of Volker Von Karl and write them down on a piece of paper for all to know. For example: "Treasure #1 is at the Cross Gravestone near the Tower with the bloody door." (ed. note - I thought about making this secret and hidden, but figured it would become obvious soon enough where they were, and they have to be randomly rolled to be accessed anyways so camping on the spots won't do much good for the players)
--Each Counter represents a piece of Von Karl; the torso w/ head, two arms, and and two legs. When a model comes into base contact with a counter they consult the following table.
#1) Head & Torso - a piece of map is stuffed in Von Karls mouth
#2) Arm - a piece of map is clutched in the fist
#3) Arm - a piece of map is clutched in the fist
#4) Leg - a piece of map is stuffed in the boot
#5) Leg - a piece of map is stuffed in the boot
Each time a player obtains a piece of the map, they consult the following table
1 piece of map - Treasure location discovered on a d6 roll of 6
2 pieces of map - Treasure found on a 5+
3 pieces of map - Treasure found on a 4+
4 pieces of map - Treasure found on a 3+
5 pieces of map - Map is complete, the treasure found automatically!
To determine which treasure location you need to go to, the player rolls a d6
Roll of 1-2 = Treasure location #1
Roll of 3-4 = Treasure location #2
Roll of 5-6 = Treasure location #3
When a model finally makes it to one of the treasure locations he can pick up the chest and take it off the board or leave it for others to pick up and carry. A single model moving the chest cannot run and only moves at 1/2 of the models movement characteristic. Two models carrying the chest cannot run but can move the full movement characteristic for the slowest model. Models that successfully carry off the treasure can come back for more on their following turn if so desired.
Extra Special Rules
Unfortunately for the players Von Karl wasn't kidding and he really won't stay dead. His ghosts will hound whoever takes his treasure until either he is driven off or the treasure is taken off the board edge, at which point he will disappear in a cloud of smoke screaming madly and cursing your name. To see which horrible manifestation that the treasure finding model unleashes, roll a d6. Each manifestation can only appear once, so reroll as needed.
1-2 - Von Karl the Creepy Councilor (Von Karl before the comet, able thief and sneaky bastard)
3-4 - Flaming Mad Von Karl (Von Karl as he was being hacked and burned, mad as hell)
5-6 - Crispy Dismembered Von Karl (What more needs to be said?)
Each Manifestation has it's own separate profile, see the addendum at the end of the article for the full profiles. Each Von Karl will always pursue until he is defeated or the treasure he was guarding is off the board. His turn happens immediately after the treasure finding players turn, and he is to be controlled by any other player on the board, but must charge the closest enemy model of the warband with his treasure if at all possible.
Starting the Game
Standard multiplayer rules apply.
Ending the Game
The Game ends when all the treasure is off the board or all warbands have routed, whichever comes first.
+1 Survives the battle
+1 Winning leader (Any warband which carries off a treasure is considered a victor)
+1 per enemy out of action
+2 for finding the treasure chest (per chest)
+2 for defeating Von Karl (per Von Karl)
The Treasure (Roll on a d6)
Automatic - 4d6 gc
Magical Artefact - 6+
Holy Tome - 5+
D3 Gems worth 10 gc each - 5+
Tome of Magic - 5+
D3 doses of Dark Venom - 4+
Mordheim Map - 4+
The Von Karls
Von Karl the Creepy Councilor
4 5 4 4 4 3 6 4 8
Equipment: Sword & dagger, dark venom
Skills: All speed skills
Special Rules: 5+ ward save
Flaming Mad Von Karl
4 3 4 4 4 2 5 3 8
Equipment: Sword and dagger
Special Rules: 5+ ward save
--Wizard - Autocasts Fires of U'Zhul 2x per turn
--Hot to touch: Any model in base contact is hit with a S3 flaming attack on a 4+
Crispy Dismembered Von Karl
4 4 0 4 4 5* 4 5* 8
Equipment: None
Skills: Reslient
Special Rules: 5+ ward save
*--Hard to kill: Each wound represents a single model, a head, 2 arms, and 2 legs. Each model attacks w/ 1 attack and has 1 wound. So the model that gets this manifestion would unleash five models at once, all of which would charge simultaneously.
Friday, November 26, 2010
This Sunday is my annual post Thanksgiving Mordheim event, and I am pretty excited. In addition to the ridiculous buffet spread I have planned, I am hoping to use my first actual full day off of any responsibilities tomorrow to plan a righteous multiplayer scenario. Last year I ran a prison break game where each player picked different prisoners with different abilities who had escaped from the Mordheim jail to ally with their warband, and the resulting chaos was wonderful.
I am hoping this year to do something that is worthy of last years success, and am think of something along the lines of a treasure hunt style game where objectives need to met in order to get a clue to determine the final whereabouts of the wyrdstone stash. Of course it will be guarded by something nice and nasty, otherwise how could it really be Mordheim? It's looking like I will have a group of 3-6 players depending on circumstances, which is a great number for the game, and I will have to put a leaf in the table to have a suitable surface, which is awesome because I love terrain.
Once I get the scenario written I will post the rules here, and will hopefully have some pics from the game as well to post on Monday. Can't wait!
I am hoping this year to do something that is worthy of last years success, and am think of something along the lines of a treasure hunt style game where objectives need to met in order to get a clue to determine the final whereabouts of the wyrdstone stash. Of course it will be guarded by something nice and nasty, otherwise how could it really be Mordheim? It's looking like I will have a group of 3-6 players depending on circumstances, which is a great number for the game, and I will have to put a leaf in the table to have a suitable surface, which is awesome because I love terrain.
Once I get the scenario written I will post the rules here, and will hopefully have some pics from the game as well to post on Monday. Can't wait!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Finished Plague Censer Bearers
Today I finished my Plague Censer Bearers, which is pretty exciting for me as now I have another finished unit for my in-progress Skaven army, and some new hero characters for my Clan Pestilens Mordheim warband. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, I used the same color scheme as the Night Goblin Fanatics I just painted, but with diseased green censers instead of bronzed balls of death. It's not my best paintjob, but it will be good enough to not embarrass the unit on the tabletop, and the red scheme will nicely compliment my green robed Plague Monks and allow the PCB's to stand out on their own. Anyways, here are the pics.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Skaven Byproducts
Thanks to my recent association with the Skaven, I have come down with some heinous viral infection of the nose/throat which has kept me from doing my painting. So as the illness winds down I'm going to try and paint some plague censer bearers in an attempt to appease Lord Nurglitch and clear this nastiness out of my system.
I did get a pleasant surprise though from my previous post, in addition to all of the other goodies one of the models that I thought was a plain Grey Seer was actually Lord Skrolk, whose model I didn't yet have. So total bonus there!
Hopefully I'll have some new pics up next week, the PCB's are total miniature wrecks and will take a bit of TLC to go from drab to fab.
I did get a pleasant surprise though from my previous post, in addition to all of the other goodies one of the models that I thought was a plain Grey Seer was actually Lord Skrolk, whose model I didn't yet have. So total bonus there!
Hopefully I'll have some new pics up next week, the PCB's are total miniature wrecks and will take a bit of TLC to go from drab to fab.
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