It's been a while since my last post, but I haven't had a whole lot of time to paint. But in the last week or so I was able to get out the brushes and finish off a Skaven Warlock Engineer that had been sitting around half finished for about 8 months. I really like how it turned out, and I am stoked to get back in the painting groove in the rare free time that I have had lately. Up next to paint is an Orc General from GW plastic kit. He's about half done and should hopefully be finished the next time I paint. After that I might seriously dig into the Skaven units and see what I can finish.

I also got in on the
Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I am really excited about it, nearly 250 models to use for Mordheim and other gaming needs at less than 50 cents a piece. That is just a ridiculous deal, and with their durability and paint holding qualities I don't feel terrified about letting my daughter play with them. I am looking at the optional buys right now to see what I want to choose, as I have around $50 to spend. I'm thinking I will get the Kaladrax Reborn and C'thulu models to paint and display, and then spend the remaining $30 on either paints, fishmen, hydras, or various monsters and duplicates from the base 250 models. No matter how it gets spent there are many happy days ahead of painting those models!