It's been nearly 5 years since I have played a proper game of Warhammer, back in the days of 6th edition. Now that 8th edition is out, and my daughter is old enough for me to start messing with the hobby again, I am jumping in fresh and building a Vampire Counts army from scratch. I chose the VC because I really like the dead things, and their models by and large are pretty nice, and the style of play is different from the Orcs and Goblins and Wood Elf armies I already have. I have no idea about the rules, so buying a rules book is one of the first things in the queue for me to do so I can start building a proper army list and moving on from there in terms of purchasing models. I will be attempting to purchase all of my models at ridiculous discounts on ebay, and will chronicle my attempts successful or otherwise here on the blog.
I do have a few undead models painted and ready to go from my extensive Mordheim collection, and they include:
- 2 vampires
- 8 zombies
- 1 direwolf
- 2 necromancers
- 3 dregs (suitable as zombies)
- 3 ghouls
- 1 Cairn Wraith
Obviously this is nothing in the Warhammer scale of things, but it's a start. Unpainted items in my possession include:
- 1 Winged Vampire Lord
- 20-30+ unpainted zombies
I plan on using the bitz from my zombie sprues to make my zombie kits go as far as possible. For every 20 models I want to get 40 zombies, which is easy to do when all you need is an arm sticking out of the ground. I'll need to buy some more bases, but this shouldn't be an issue.

What I know I want for my VC army regardless of the armylist is a freaking ton of zombies and some blood knights. I plan on having a horde of 80-100 zombies by the time it is all said and done. They may not be at all effective, but the sheer spectacle of seeing a shambling horde of that size will please me greatly. For the blood knights I don't like the look (or the ridiculous price tag) of the Games Workshop models, so I plan on using the Gamezone Mournful Knight models instead. I just purchased the Mournful Knight Hero off of ebay for $12 with free shipping, which is a steal compared to the $20 minimum for a GW Blood Knight Champion. Over the next few months I plan on buying the other 4 models to complete the set as opportunity arises. Once I get them primed and painted I will post some pics to the blog.
I have been reading on the internet that I need lots of Ghouls and Grave Guard as well, so those are on my watch list on ebay also. I plan on making some Black Knights by converting some Empire Knights with Grave Guard bitz to make a 10+ strong unit. I don't like the Black Knights batwing helmets or skeletal steeds, so this conversion opportunity should be more visually acceptable and better fit the theme of my army and allow for some color beyond the usual black seen in undead hordes.
So that's where I am at as I start to raise the dead and create a proper VC army. Stay tuned for more missives from the grave!
Those Gamezone Knights are absolutely delightful, and I agree completely that the current GW Black Knights are in dire need of revision.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to you on your new undead endeavors. Will be looking forward to seeing some pictures as your army comes along!
The Black Knights aren't nearly as bad as the Dire Wolves, those things are awful.