Monday, September 20, 2010

Another ebay score

Yet another non-VC purchase, but this time I won 4 sets of 20 Skaven Clanrats at $4 each with free shipping.  That's 80 clanrats for only $16, which by anybodies count is a bargain.  With my multiple Skaven Mordheim warbands I could probably put together 1000 points of Skaven at this point. So I might keep the clanrats, or turn them around in a few months when the initial Island of Blood craze is over.  Either way, nice!  I have a couple of bids in on some Rat Ogres as well, and if those go through successfully I'll be in even better shape, as they don't take too long to paint and I might be able to sell the painted models at a markup, and then use the profits to purchase the Grave Guard I have been craving.


  1. Isn't eBay great? If you haven't checked it out already, Horde O Bits is a terrific store on there, especially for 40k stuff. I'm selling a bunch of metal minis this week in hopes of raising some funds for my VCs.

  2. I love Horde O Bits, I just bought some plague monk parts to bulk up my rats. Let me know how the auctions go.
