I was quite disappointed last night when I got home from work, as I had put in a minimum bid offer for a fairly large lot of Skaven models that had been sitting empty for a week on ebay, only to get sniped at the last moment. But much to my surprise I woke up this morning with a second chance offer for the auction, so I happily took it! For $60, which is about as steep as I am willing to go on ebay, I won an auction containing:
- the full Skaven set from Island of Blood (40 clanrats, 2 rat ogres, packmaster, warlord, warlock engineer, poison wind mortar, and warpfire thrower)
- 1 Grey Seer in new in the blister
- 1 built Grey Seer
- 1 Deathmaster Sknitch
- 1 built and supposedly master painted Queek Headtaker (I hope it's the new model but can live with the old one)
- 1 metal Warlock Engineer new in the blister
- 10 Stormvermin w/ full command
I'm pretty happy with the contents of that for only $60, that's a pretty sizable force, the 10 stormvermin alone would run around $20-$25, and I'm going to be able to sell off some of the extras to offset this purchase and hopefully fund a Doomwheel.
As this will give me my 2nd plastic Isle of Blood warlord I now have a figure that I can cut easily with a hobby knife to mod onto the back of one of the Rat Ogres for a Bonebreaker model. Which is pretty cool, in my opinion, and I can't wait to get to work on that! I'll definitely post pics of the WIP and finished models.
I'm just about finished with my Night Goblin Fanatics and should have some pics up tomorrow. They turned out ok, not my best, but certainly good enough to feel comfortable putting on the table. Honestly I am just trying to finish most of my Orc and Goblin miniatures before I really jump into my Skaven so they don't sit gathering dust for a year. With them finished I will have 8 fanatics to unleash on my enemies (or myself depending on the dice)!